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Tau Pele Construction Head Office

Tau Pele Construction approached us to upgrade their existing offices located in an existing house on the outskirts of Bloemfontein. The existing was kept, upgraded and some accommodation were added. To hide some of the old Post Modern gables added on earlier, we covered it with a Kliplok 700 in Dark Dolphin colour. We added a new entrance canopy in concrete with a skylight. The red face brick contrasts with the cold materials and colours otherwise used. Some perforated steel screens were used to shield the boardroom form northern  sun, but also to create a dramatic interior. The interior was done by Anelda Bouwer (Furniture Fair). 

Contractors: Tau Pele Construction

Engineer: Alwyn le Roux (LRX Consult Engeneers)

Quantity Surveyors: Verster Berry 

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